Archive for September 7th, 2017

7. September 2017

Israel’s Attack in Syria: Here’s What We Know So Far (Haaretz)

Exactly 10 years after taking out Assad’s nuclear reactor, Israel allegedly strikes again.
Earlier Thursday, President Reuven Rivlin said in a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin that Iran might „drag the whole region into war.“
Rivlin told Merkel that Iran is a subversive force, that is leading to the establishment of the Shi’ite axis in Syria and the entire Middle East, and that this constitutes a direct threat to Israel and to regional stability as a whole.

read more:

7. September 2017

Flächendeckendes Netzwerk rechter Verschwörer – Listen mit Namen von Politikern gefunden, Notizen legten nahe, dass Attentate geplant wurden (junge Welt)

Der Staat kapituliert vor rechten Verschwörern. Dabei haben die Ermittlungen gegen Bundeswehr-Offiziere noch weitere Terroristen auffliegen lassen
7. September 2017

Kiew hat Bundesaußenminister Gabriel für seine Äußerung zugunsten der Lockerung von Sanktionen gegen Russland scharf angegriffen.

Gabriel hatte am Dienstag bei einem Wahlkampf-Auftritt nicht ausgeschlossen, dass im Rahmen der möglichen Entsendung von UN-Friedenstruppen in den Donbass auch die Sanktionen gegen Russland fallen könnten. Zuvor hatte er die Initiative des russischen Präsidenten Putin zur möglichen Entsendung von UN-Friedenstruppen in den Donbass begrüßt. Er unterstrich, man müsse diese Chance nutzen, um einen dauerhaften Waffenstillstand zu erreichen.



7. September 2017

Xiamen Declaration – Declaration of the Multipolar World

The concept of multilateral order is visible in the wide-ranging , which proposes an “Afghan-led and Afghan-owned” peace and national reconciliation process, “including the Moscow Format of consultations” and the “Heart of Asia-Istanbul process”.

That’s code for an all-Asian (and not Western) Afghan solution brokered by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), led by RC, and of which Afghanistan is an observer and future full member.

“Russia shares the BRICS countries’ concerns over the unfairness of the global financial and economic architecture, which does not give due regard to the growing weight of the emerging economies. We are ready to work together with our partners to promote international financial regulation reforms and to overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies.”

“To overcome the excessive domination of the limited number of reserve currencies” is the politest way of stating what the BRICS have been discussing for years now; how to bypass the US dollar, as well as the petrodollar.

Beijing is ready to step up the game. Soon China will launch a crude oil futures contract priced in yuan and convertible into gold.

This means that Russia – as well as Iran, the other key node of Eurasia integration – may bypass US sanctions by trading energy in their own currencies, or in yuan. Inbuilt in the move is a true Chinese win-win; the yuan will be fully convertible into gold on both the Shanghai and Hong Kong exchanges.

The new triad of oil, yuan and gold is actually a win-win-win. No problem at all if energy providers prefer to be paid in physical gold instead of yuan. The key message is the US dollar being bypassed.

exerpt of anarticle by Pepe Escobar, correspondent-at-large at Asia Times


7. September 2017

Former White House chief strategist Bannon on 60 Minutes: ‘No Room in American Society’ for the KKK and White Nationalists

during an interview with CBS anchor Charlie Rose, while defending President Donald Trump’s response to the protests in Charlottesville.