Archive for Dezember 16th, 2013

16. Dezember 2013


„A picture is worth a thousand words“

 „A picture is worth a thousand words“, said Esther Yazzie-Lewis, director of the Diné Spiritual Land Recovery Project and spokesperson for the Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum (SIUF) after participating the International Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) in Window Rock Navajo Nation Museum December 2 to 4. It was the first time that the Brazilian born film festival came to the United States and to the Navajo nation. Between Nov 27 and Dec 4th the IUFF was held in Albuquerque Guild Cinema, in the Center For Contemporary Arts Cinemateque in Santa Fe and finally in Window Rock. About 40 films from 15 countries which explore not only this radioactive and toxic element called “uranium”, but nuclear practices as well were shown. Many of the festival´s important documentaries and movies were films about uranium mining an indigenous lands, about nuclear waste or about the Fukushima nuclear accident that people cannot see yet on public television.

Thank you for all your work to bring these important films to the Southwest and the world! The films connect the nuclear power issues with nuclear weapons issues. They clearly demonstrate the extent governments around the world use humans and all of creation, military personnel, independent businesses, and our souls, to further the nuclear cycle. I was particularly moved by Abita, an animated short film about the children from Fukushima who can’t play outside anymore because their neighborhood and playing grounds are highly contaminated with radioactivity. Seeing the imagination of the young girl as she turned into a dragonfly and flew around the playing grounds was moving. But seeing how her imagination changed after Fukushima was tragic“, said Joni Arends, Executive Director Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety (CCNS)

What a great event“, said Gary Bodman for the New Mexico Science Teachers Association

„Thank you all on behalf of Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Peoples, for the honor of supporting this important work. Yes there is so much more to do, and we will continue to work together in solidarity and respect. We look forward to further advancing this collective work for the well being of our Peoples, homelands, cultures and generations to come“, said Tia Oros Peters, the Executive Director Seventh Generation Fund.

The Santa Fe Art Institute is proud to support The International Uranium Film Festival. The festival aims to raise awareness about everything from Nuclear power to the health effects of radiation.“ Santa Fe Art Institute,

The IUFF-Team thanks all its supporters in the USA and Brazil, especially Heinrich Böll Foundation North-America, the Seventh Generation Fund, the Santa Fe Art Institute and the Foundation for science and education of the State of Rio de Janeiro FAETEC.

The IUFF is an independent film festival and need your support to continue its important work. Help to bring independent uranium & nuclear films to the wide screen throughout the world.

Next International Uranium Film Festivals are planned in Washington DC, Goethe-Institute (February 10 to February 12) and in New York City in the Pavilion Theater Brooklyn (February 14 to 18).

More Information:

Festival website:

Information for filmmakers and producers: The film entry for the next, the 4th International Uranium Film Festival of Rio de Janeiro in the Cinemateque of Rio de Janeiro´s Modern Art Museum scheduled for May 2014 is still open until January 31, 2014. Filmmakers can submit a DVD with your film and compete for the Festival´s „Yellow Oscar“. Good luck!

Film Entry Address

Uranium Film Festival
Rua Monte Alegre , 356/301
Santa Teresa Rio de Janeiro / RJ
CEP 20240-190



International Uranium film festival was in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Window Rock: Next stops Washington DC and NYCBrooklyn February 10 to 18 –

See what happend in Window Rock Navajo Nation Museum.
16. Dezember 2013

Puerto Rico’s Calle 13 featuring Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello, Palestinian vocalist Kamilya Jubran and Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks

Calle 13 now also released a new video for “Multi_Viral” that was filmed in Bethlehem and Belt Sahour, a town in Palestine.

(Translated by Ernesto Sánchez).

Everything begins with a spark
When we radiate flames from our eyes
They want to stop the fire that spreads out
But there are fires that can’t be extinguished with water

And the police line gets closer
The muscles tense
The heart frequency increases
Testosterone levels go up
And that moment begins
The moment where people come face to face
When we become friends with courage
When screaming becomes our only language
I am commanded by reason, you are commanded by a colonel
If our fight is made of carton
Yours is made of paper

And you won’t stop us
Because a clear message
Transforms any liutenant
A shark without teeth

State fears us
Because we are 132 and 15M
If the media doesn’t dare
We do
We paint the walls
Graffiti on the streets
I raise my protest and I speak out loud
With just one person to read it
The world will start to change!

Elbow with elbow
Step by step

The wave gets bigger

The foam gets ticker

As more people join

The one who controls
The one who dictates
Wants to get you sick to sell you drugs
And we take those pills

They make us dumb
Any question we might have
They found a way to skip
They give us lies
They feed us with processed meat
People still misinformed
A piece of news not well told
Is an assault with a weapon!

We infiltrate
We duplicate
Like the cells
We multiply
To the one who doesn’t want broth
It’s given two cups
We are the baking soda that makes the mass expand
Our ideas are free and they are awake
Because we think with the doors wide open
What is not seen
We are seeing
We are born without knowing how to talk
But we will die talking out loud!

Elbow with elbow
Step by step

The wave gets bigger

The foam gets ticker
As more people join

Julián Assange: 
We live in the world that your propaganda made
But where you think you are strong you are weak
Your lies tell us the truth we will use against you
Your secrecy shows us where we will strike
Your weapons reveal your fear for all to see
From Cairo to Quito a new world is forming
The power of people armed with the truth

Elbow with elbow
Step by step

The wave gets bigger

The foam gets ticker
As more people join

16. Dezember 2013

Kerry sagt in Interview, dass Syrien zum Zufluchtsort der Al Kaida geworden sei – Ein weiterer Grund für westliche Einmischung zeichnet sich ab

US-Außenminister, John Kerry, hat in  einem Interview mit dem Fernsehsender ABC festgestellt,
dass die internen Auseinandersetzungen zwischen den bewaffneten Rebellen und den Terroristengruppen in Syrien, ein Vakuum geschaffen hat, welches durch  Extremisten gefüllt wird, so dass alle Regionen in Syrien zu einem Zufluchtsort für die Al-Kaida geworden sind.
Er wies dabei darauf hin, dass die Al-Kaida in Syrien an Macht gewinnt, und sagte: Niemand will wirklich in den  syrischen Bürgerkrieg ziehen, denn dort herrschen weitgreifende ethnische Kämpfe. Selbstverständlich weist die US-Regierung immer wieder darauf hin, keine der radikalen Gruppen unterstützt zu haben. Dies wurde den Partnern in der Türkei, in Saudiarabien und in Katar überlassen. Halb Syrien liegt am Boden, Hunderttausende sind getötet und Millionen auf der Flucht. Und man hat jetzt neben Assad einen weiteren Grund geschaffen in Syiren einzugreifen.

16. Dezember 2013

[Hintergrund] Die Proteste in der Ukraine gehen weiter. Der Westen setzt auf Eskalation –

Von Sebastian Range, 12. Dezember 2013 –

Obwohl die in Kiew demonstrierenden Regierungsgegner kaum für sich beanspruchen können, demokratische Mehrheiten der Bevölkerung zu repräsentieren, ergreift der Westen immer unverhohlener für ihre Sache Partei – und die besteht in nichts weniger als dem Sturz der als prorussisch geltenden Regierung.

16. Dezember 2013

[nytimes] Japan’s Dangerous Anachronism

 The government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this month rammed through Parliament a state secrecy law that signals a fundamental alteration of the Japanese understanding of democracy. The law is vaguely worded and very broad, and it will allow government to make secret anything that it finds politically inconvenient. Government officials who leak secrets can be jailed for up to 10 years, and journalists who obtain information in an “inappropriate” manner or even seek information that they do not know is classified can be jailed for up to five years. The law covers national security issues, and it includes espionage and terrorism.

16. Dezember 2013

Keeping Secrets: Pierre Omidyar, Glenn Greenwald and the privatization of Snowden’s leaks

Who “owns” the NSA secrets leaked by Edward Snowden to reporters Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras?

Given that eBay founder Pierre Omidyar just invested a quarter of a billion dollars to
personally hire Greenwald and Poitras for his new for-profit media venture, it’s a question worth asking.

It’s especially worth asking since it became clear that Greenwald and Poitras are now the only two people with full access to the complete cache of NSA files, which are said to number anywhere from 50,000 to as many as 200,000 files. That’s right: Snowden doesn’t have the files any more, the Guardian doesn’t have them, the Washington Post doesn’t have them… just Glenn and Laura at the for-profit journalism company created by the founder of eBay.

read more

16. Dezember 2013

Team Omidyar, World Police: eBay puts user data on a “silver platter” for law enforcement

Wikileaks activist and close Snowden ally, Sarah Harrison, was quoted in the Guardian, asking “How can you take Pierre Omidyar seriously?”

From its earliest days, eBay has operated a vast trans-national private police force which has overseen thousands of arrests and convictions around the globe, has trained countless thousands of law enforcement officials in the US and abroad, and cooperates with police and intelligence agencies on every inhabitable continent.

read more @